Elul: Standing on the Heights
'The stars above you shine with such an incredible brilliance that you can see them reflected in that cold blue ice beneath your feet.'
Insights, notes, and memos from Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran's desk and the Rebbetzin's Monthly Musings
Elul: Standing on the Heights
Anti-Semitism, now what?
Nissan: Miracle of Miracles
Adar: Take Back Your Power
Shevat: Strong Like a Tree
Tevet: The Rest of the Story
Kislev: I see the Light
Cheshvan: Listen to the Silence
Life After the Festivals
Tishrei: Are We Dreamers
Elul: He’s Praying for Us
Av: The Solution
Tammuz: When the Stakes are High
Sivan: Creating Unity from Duality
Iyar: Harness your Strength
Nissan: Hold your Head High
Adar: Be Happy!
Shevat: The Perfect Balance
Tevet: The Light Within the Dark
Kislev: Fly like an Arrow