Sun, May 19
|The Gilston Social Hall
We will be meeting in person for our Quarterly Congregational Meeting and will have a light meal starting at 5:00 PM, followed by the meeting at 5:30 PM.

Time & Location
May 19, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
The Gilston Social Hall
Please remember that for a family unit (couple) EACH of you counts toward a quorum. Please be sure that your dues are up to date and in Good Standing. Please reach out to the Dues Review Committee, at dues@dortikvah.org, if you need assistance.
See minutes from previous meetings HERE
Full agenda to follow
1. Call to Order
2. D’var Torah
3. Roll Call - Determination of Quorum
4. Approval of Previous Congregational Meeting Minutes
5. President’s Report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Committee Reports
a. Programming Committee
b. Membership Committee
c. Finance Committee
e. Other
8. Old Business
a. Other
9. New Business
a. Other
10. Good and Welfare
11. Adjourn