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Purim 5783 - Schedule & Events


Monday, March 6 - Taanit Esther & Purim Night

5:29am - Fast Begins
6:45am - Shacharit

5:50pm - Mincha & Machatzit Hashekel

6:20pm - Masquerade
6:50pm - Maariv & Megillah
6:58pm (or after Megillah reading) - Fast Ends
7:30pm - Panini Party RSVP HERE
8:00pm - Extra Megillah Reading (Gil
ston Chapel)

Tuesday, March 7 - Purim Day

6:30am - Shacharit & Megillah

12:00pm to 2:00pm - Rabbi's Festive Purim Bash (Drop-in)
2:00pm - Extra Megillah Reading (Gilston Chapel)

2:30pm - Mincha

5:00pm - Community Purim Seuda at BSBI RSVP HERE

7:00pm - Maariv at BSBI



Matanot La'evyonim

Matanot La'evyonim - Gifts to the Poor

Every Jew over the age of bar/bat mitzvah is obligated to give gifts to two needy individuals on Purim.

DONATE ONLINE to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund.

You can also give your check or cash to Rabbi Mimran, the Office, or Zelle 843-609-2050, no later than 11:00am on Purim Day - Tuesday, March 7. Money will be distributed both locally and in Israel on Purim Day.

Mishloach Manot - Gifts of Food

On Purim, we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity by sending gifts of food to friends. Every Jew is obligated to give at least one Mishloach Manot gift containing at least two different types of ready-to-eat food items. These should be delivered on Purim day.

Bar Mitzvah Boy

The Megillah Readings

The Book of Esther is read twice on Purim, once at night and once during the day. Bring your youth-spirit and bang Haman's name into oblivion! 

See our schedule for reading times.

Vintage Table Set

Seudah - Festive Meal

One is obligated to partake in a festive meal on Purim day. This means a meal that includes washing one's hands for bread. One should increase in joy by eating with friends and family, eating meat, and drinking wine responsibly!

Megillah Reading
Mishloach Manot
Seudat Purim


Our Events

Wishing you a Purim Same'ach!

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