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Thursday, March 13 - Purim Night

8:00pm - Maariv with Megillah Reading

*with concurrent kids programming and childcare

8:30pm - Panini Purim and Ice Cream Bar Party!

with Hot Paninis, Soup, Ice Cream Bar, L'chaims, and more...


Friday, March 14 - Purim Day

6:30am - Shacharit

7:00am - Megillah Reading

11:00am - Extra Megillah Reading (Gilston Chapel)

12:00pm - Rabbi's Festive Purim Bash

Pop in anytime from 12pm to 2pm for a hot menu, music, and plenty of l'chaims!

7:00pm - Mincha / Maariv / Kabbalat Shabbat



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Thursday,  March 13

The Fast of Esther (Ta'anit Esther) is a dawn-to-nightfall fast usually held on the day before Purim. It commemorates our ancestors fasting, at Queen Esther's request, in response to the threats to our nation during the Purim story. This year, since Purim falls on a Sunday, the fast is held on the Thursday prior.


6:20am - Fast Begins
6:45am - Shacharit
7:00pm - Mincha (with Torah Reading)

8:00pm - Maariv (with Megillah Reading)
8:03pm - Fast Ends


  1. Eating and drinking are prohibited from the break of dawn (6:20am) until nightfall (8:03pm). We offer FastAid slow-release caffeine, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen (Tylenol) tablets. Suggested donation $10 per dose, all proceeds benefit the Kollel of Toronto. Visit or contact the office to purchase.

  2. Children under the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah and pregnant and nursing women are exempt from fasting. Anyone with any health condition - even a headache - is also exempt on Ta'anit Esther, but should make up the fast on a different day (Rema O.C. 686:2)Contact the Rabbi with questions.

  3. Unlike Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av, brushing teeth (without swallowing water), bathing, anointing, and wearing leather are permitted.

  4. One who wishes to have an early breakfast or coffee before the fast begins should consciously decide to do so the night before.

  5. Special prayers are added to the Tefilot: a) Selichot and Avinu Malkeinu at Shacharit. b) The Aneinu prayer, asking for special forgiveness, is added to the morning and afternoon Shemonah Esrei. c) At Shacharit and Mincha the Pesukim containing the 13 Attributes of Mercy are read from the Torah (Shemot 32:11–14 & Shemot 34:1–10). d) Haftorah is read at Mincha (Isaiah 55:6–56:8).

Zecher L'Machtzit Hashekel - Commemorating the Half Shekel

We will be collecting money 'Zecher L'Machatzit HaShekel' on Thursday afternoon before Mincha at 7:00pm, read more on this HERE. There will be instructions and half dollars available for use. 

Please note: This does not fulfill one's obligation for the Mitzvah of Matanot L'Evyonim.



Shabbat Tetzaveh/Zachor, March 8

On Shabbat, March 8, we will read 'Parshat Zachor' as Maftir (Devarim 25:17-19). This fulfills our annual biblical obligation in which we are commanded to remember the evil of Amalek and to eradicate it from the face of the earth. We should make sure to listen carefully to each word!


Bar Mitzvah Boy

The Megillah Readings

The Book of Esther is read twice on Purim, once at night and once during the day. Bring your youth-spirit, listen to each word, and bang Haman's name into oblivion! 

See our schedule for reading times.


We are grateful to David Gilston for sponsoring a beautiful 11-line Megillat Esther scroll for Dor Tikvah in honor of his wife Linda!


Matanot L'evyonim / Gifts to the Poor

Every Jew over the age of bar/bat mitzvah is obligated to contribute to two needy individuals on Purim.

DONATE ONLINE HERE to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund. You can also give your check or cash to Rabbi Mimran, the Office, Venmo here, or Zelle 843-609-2050, no later than 11:00am on Purim Day - Friday, March 14.

All funds will be distributed to Halachically eligible individuals, locally and in Israel, on Purim Day itself.

Mishloach Manot / Gifts of Food

On Purim, we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity by sending gifts of food to friends. Every Jew is obligated to give at least one Mishloach Manot gift containing at least two different types of ready-to-eat food items. These should be delivered on Purim day.

Vintage Table Set

Seudat Purim / Festive Meal

One is obligated to partake in a festive meal on Purim day. This means a meal that includes washing one's hands for bread. One should increase in joy by eating with friends and family, eating meat, and drinking wine responsibly!

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Wishing you a Purim Same'ach!

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