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Torah Slam 2024

This year's topic: Nevi'im Rishonim (the first prophets)!

First Night Shavuot (Tuesday, June 11) at 10:30 PM

Fill in the form BELOW to book your Sefer!

1. Yehoshua - יהושע
Nathan Kirshstein
2. Shoftim - שופטים
Jen Schager
3. Shmuel I - 'שמואל א
Lori Gleaton
4. Shmuel II - 'שמואל ב
Marcie Rosenberg
5. Melachim I - 'מלכים א
Yonah Barger
6. Melachim II - 'מלכים ב
Daniella Samuels
7. Yeshayahu - ישעיהו
Stuart Feldman
8. Yirmiyahu - ירמיהו
Rabbi Mimran
9. Yechezkel - יחזקאל
David Page
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