[23] The Fast of Tammuz, Three Weeks, Nine Days, and Tisha B'Av
Fascinating halachic responsa on contemporary halachic topics by Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Erev Pesach Primer 5784/2024
[22] Hilchos Tzedaka: The Laws of Charity (Part 2 of 2)
[21] Hilchos Tzedaka: The Laws of Charity (Part 1 of 2)
[20] Amira L'Akum: A Non-Jew's Help on Shabbos (Part 5 of 5)
[19] Amira L'Akum: A Non-Jew's Help on Shabbos (Part 4 of 5)
[18] Amira L'Akum: A Non-Jew's help on Shabbos (Part 3 of 5)
[17] Amira L'Akum: A Non-Jew's Help on Shabbos (Part 2 of 5)
[16] Amira L'Akum: A Non-Jew's Help on Shabbos (Part 1 of 5)
[15] Summary of The Laws of Tisha B’Av
[14] The Fast of Tammuz, Three Weeks and Nine Days
[13] Kiddush - Part 2 of 2: All you need to know!
[12] Kiddush - Part 1 of 2: All you need to know!
[11] The Shabbos Meals: Clarifying the Obligation
[10] Dairy on Shavuos: The Why and How?
[9] Meat and Wine on Yom Tov: Including how to reconcile Shavuos!
[8] Timers on Shabbos: How, When, and for What Purpose?
[7] Heating Food and Liquid on Shabbos (inc. 'Sabbath Mode' Oven Guidelines)
[6] Kaddish: The Laws and Customs
[5] A Quick Guide to The Laws of Mezuza
[4] Wearing a smartwatch on Shabbos/Yom Tov
[3] The Early Shabbos Conundrum
[2] Eruv Update, Map, and Info
[1] The Three Weeks - Laws and Customs