
Pesach 2023 / 5783
Information, Schedule & Events
Stay tuned - this page is updated regularly!
Last update: April 10, 2023
Full Schedule
The printable schedule is available HERE
Tuesday, April 4
7:00 am - Shacharit
9:30 am - Deadline for Traveler's Chametz Sale
6:10 pm - Mincha / Maariv
After 8:19 pm - Bedikat Chametz (Search for Chametz)
Wednesday, April 5
Taanit Bechorot - Fast of the Firstborns
Remember Eruv Tavshilin
7:00 am - Shacharit followed by Bagel Siyum for firstborns
9:30 am - Deadline for Chametz Sale Form
10:51 am - Latest time to eat Chametz
12:07 pm - Latest time to Burn & Nullify Chametz
6:24 pm - Earliest Candle Lighting
7:25 pm - Latest Candle Lighting
7:25 pm - Mincha / Yom Tov Maariv
8:20 pm - Seder Begins
1:22 am - Chatzot (Halachic Midnight)
Thursday, April 6
9:30 am - Shacharit*
10:12 am - Latest Shema
12:00 pm - Kiddush
7:25 pm - Mincha / Yom Tov Class (Rabbi Ben Atwood)
8:00 pm - Maariv
8:21 pm - Earliest Candle Lighting** / Count Omer 1 / Seder Prep Begins
8:30 pm - Communal Seder at Dor Tikvah
1:22 am - Chatzot (Halachic Midnight)
Friday, April 7
PESACH II - Day 1 of Omer
9:30 am - Shacharit*
10:11 am - Latest Shema
12:00 pm - Kiddush
6:10 pm - Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv
6:25 pm - Earliest Candle Lighting**
7:26 pm - Latest Candle Lighting**
8:22 pm - Count Omer 2
Shabbat, April 8
9:00 am - Shacharit*
11:30 am - Kiddush
7:00 pm - Mincha / Seuda Shelishit (Sammy Rosenberg)
8:23 pm - Maariv / Havdalah / Count Omer 3
Sunday, April 9
8:30 am - Shacharit
6:10 pm - Mincha / Maariv
8:23 pm - Count Omer 4
Monday, April 10
7:00 am - Shacharit
6:10 pm - Mincha / Maariv
8:24 pm - Count Omer 5
Tuesday, April 11
7:00 am - Shacharit
6:27 pm - Earliest Candle Lighting
7:00 pm - Mincha / Yom Tov Maariv
7:29 pm - Latest Candle Lighting
8:25 pm - Count Omer 6
Wednesday, April 12
9:00 am - Shacharit*
11:30 am - Kiddush
6:10 pm - Mincha / Maariv
8:25 pm - Earliest Candle Lighting** / Count Omer 7
Thursday, April 13
9:00 am - Shacharit*
11:30 am - Kiddush
7:30 pm - Mincha / Closing Class
8:27 pm - Maariv / Havdalah / Count Omer 8
8:50 pm - Earliest time to eat sold Chametz
* Babysitting Available
** Light from an existing flame

Mechirat Chametz - Chametz Sale
We will sell your Chametz (leavened food) to a non-Jewish person before Passover begins. The form can be easily submitted online HERE
Deadline: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 (Erev Pesach) 9:30 AM. The sale will take place at 10:00 AM.
Are you traveling?
If you will be away for the entire Pesach and are leaving before Tuesday night April 4th, OR if you will be out of the US on Wednesday, April 5 (Erev Pesach), use THIS FORM
Have questions? Contact the Rabbi
NOTE: All sold cupboards, rooms, and areas should ideally be marked as such over Pesach.

Erev Pesach Primer
Bedikat Chametz / The Search for Chametz - On the eve of the fourteenth of Nissan i.e. after 8:19 PM, one is required to search their home and domains for all Chametz. Read more about this HERE. The blessing and post-search nullification can be found HERE
Taanit Bechorot / Fast of the Firstborns - It is a widespread custom for firstborns to fast on the day before Pesach. This commemorates the miracle which spared the firstborn Jewish sons from the final plague. As is customary we will have a Siyum (with bagels, lox, and cream cheese) after 7:00 AM Shacharit. This enables the firstborns present to continue to eat for the rest of the day. Read more about this HERE
Mechirat Chametz / Chametz Sale - Make sure to submit your Chametz Sale Form/s by 9:30 AM, these can be found HERE. The Rabbi will sell your Chametz to a non-Jew in his office at 10:00 AM. You are invited to come and watch the sale!
Sof Zman Achilat Chametz / Chametz-Eating Deadline - The absolute deadline for eating chametz is two Halachic hours before midday, i.e. at 10:51 AM. We should also brush our teeth before this time. Read more about this HERE
Biur Chametz / Eradicating Chametz - On the morning before Pesach, before the fifth Halachic hour, i.e. before 12:07 PM, we burn (or destroy) all the chametz that was found during the search and anything that was left over from breakfast and not sold to the non-Jew. Read more about this HERE. Come join us as we burn our Chametz in the Dor Tikvah Parking lot at 10:30 AM! The post-burn nullification can be found HERE
Issur Melacha / Forbidden Work - Various categories of work are forbidden on Erev Pesach after Halachic midday i.e. from 1:22 PM. These include haircuts, shaving, and laundry. Read more about this HERE
Eruv Tavshilin - This is a halachic practice that allows cooking food on Yom Tov for use on the Shabbat that immediately follows. Find the Beracha HERE and instructions HERE

Trash Collection
We have scheduled a special garbage collection at Dor Tikvah for Wednesday.
Bring your leftover Chametz to our blue dumpster before 11:00 am on Wednesday 4/5 (Erev Pesach).
We are very grateful to Dining In for organizing this.

Ma'ot Chitim - Wheat Money
It is a widespread custom to give money (Kimcha D'Pischa) to help the less fortunate have provisions for Pesach.
DONATE ONLINE to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund.
The money will be distributed to locals in need (עניי עירך).

Passover Guides
The resources underlined below are external links
The Orthodox Union Passover guide is now available at Dor Tikvah. Digital, searchable, and printable versions are also available HERE
The CRC's Pesach Guide 2023, including a useful Kashering guide (p. 22)

Events and Classes
- Apr 06, 2023, 8:30 PMThe Gilston Social Hall, Dor Tikvah
- Apr 05, 2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AMThe Rabbi's Office & the Parking Lot
- Apr 02, 2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AMDor Dikvah Parking Lot
- Mar 28, 2023, 7:30 PM – 8:15 PMAt DT and on Zoom at bit.ly/EasyPesach
- Mar 20, 2023, 7:00 PM – Apr 05, 2023, 9:30 AMdortikvah.org/chametz

Pesach Made Easy
The recording of this year's Pre-Pesach Crash Course
The class from 2022/5782 can be found HERE
Pesach Shopping Information
Food Lion
As always, the Food Lion at 2144 Savannah Hwy is making an effort to stock many Kosher for Passover products.
We are liaising closely with them and they are doing their utmost to ensure that they stock key products, and reorder as stock goes.
Please support their efforts by giving them our business.
Local Stores
Trader Joe's in Mt Pleasant will have meat, wine, and machine Matzah
Walmart Supercenter at 3951 W Ashley Cir,
Publix at 1401 Sam Rittenberg Blvd
Harris Teeter at 1812 Sam Rittenberg Blvd
Costco at 3050 Ashley Town Center Dr
Whole Foods at 1125 Savannah Hwy
Online Stores
Shop Supplements and Vitamins at www.koshervitamins.com
The Gluten Free Shoppe has a wide selection, and you can find them at www.theglutenfreeshoppe.com
Oh Nuts has many basic supplies including dried fruit, spices and nuts at www.ohnuts.com
Dining In
As always, we also have our local Dining In www.diningininc.com which never fails to offer an excellent array of ready-to-go Kosher for Passover food. You can still order from their Fried Chicken menu HERE
Fried Chicken Order deadline Friday, March 31
Pickup will be at Dor Tikvah on Monday, April 10th

NOTICE: The only local catering under the supervision of the Vaad HaKashrut in Charleston (The Kosher Commission of Charleston) over Pesach is Dining In Inc.

Tevilat Keilim - Immersion of Utensils
As a rule, new metal and glass food utensils must be immersed in the Mikvah before they are used. Please see THIS GUIDE for a list of materials.
Utensils can be toiveled at the BSBI Keilim Mikvah at 182 Rutledge Ave, 29403 the lock code is 'א-ח-ב-0'
If you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Mimran

Hand-made Shemurah Matzah
It is halachically ideal to use only Shemurah Matzah on the Seder Nights.
Orders are now closed
If you still require Shemurah Matzah, please contact Rabbi Mimran

Yizkor Appeal
This year, Yizkor will be recited on Thursday, April 13, the 8th Day of Pesach.
Yizkor pledges to Dor Tikvah in memory of your loved ones can be made online HERE
Alternatively, send a check to 1645 Raul Wallenberg Blvd, Charleston SC, 29407.

Sefirat Haomer - The Omer Count
The Omer is counted every evening after nightfall, from the second night of Pesach (Thu, April 6) till the night before Shavuot (Wed, May 24).
Join our Services WhatsApp group HERE for weekday nightly reminders.
Click HERE for today's count.
Forgot to count the Omer at night? Count the following day, but without a blessing. On subsequent nights, continue counting with a blessing as usual.
The blessing is made only if every day has been counted; if you missed a day, say the day's count without the blessing.

Birkat Ha’ilanot: Blessing for Blossoming Trees
The Talmud in Berachot and Halacha tell us that if one sees trees blossoming in the month of Nissan, he/she should make a special blessing.
The text of the Beracha is HERE
This blessing can currently be made in the Goldberg Memorial Courtyard at Dor Tikvah. The two trees are marked below in red, look out for the budding sprouts!
NOTE: The blessing should ideally be said on more than one tree (as below) and not on Shabbat.