
Shavuot 5783 - Schedule & Events
Thursday, May 25 - Erev Shavuot & Shavuot Night
Remember Eruv Tavshilin
6:52pm - Earliest Candle Lighting
8:00pm - Mincha / Intro Class by Shai Kohn
8:01pm - Latest Candle Lighting
9:01pm - Maariv
9:15pm - Communal Yom Tov Meal RSVP FULL
10:15pm - Torah Slam 2023! DETAILS BELOW
11:30pm - Late Night Learning
featuring Sammy Rosenberg, Ezra Klausner, and Zevi Lawrence
Friday, May 26 - Shavuot Day I
9:30am - Shacharit*
11:40am - Kiddush
5:00pm - Lakeside Wine & Cheese at the Rosenthals
with Torah gems by Shai Kohn & Ariella Borah and concurrent Kids programming at the Cappells
6:30pm - Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv at the Rosenthals (no minyan at Dor Tikvah)
6:52pm - Earliest Candle Lighting**
8:01pm - Latest Candle Lighting**
9:00pm - 2nd Night Bet Medrash Learning with Liev Markovitch, the Orayta Delegation & Torah Tours at the Rosenbergs
Shabbat, May 27 - Shavuot Day II
9:00am - Shacharit* with Yizkor approx 10:30am YIZKOR APPEAL
11:30am - 10th Annual Cheesecake Competition!
4:00pm - Class for Women & Girls by Talia Belsky at the Gleatons
6:00pm - Pre-Mincha Class by Ariella Borah at Dor Tikvah
6:00pm - Kids' Yom Tov Extravaganza with the Torah Tours at Dor Tikvah
7:00pm - Mincha
7:30pm - Soulful Seuda Shelishit Kumzits led by Sammy Rosenberg, with insights from William Weinstein
9:02pm - Maariv / Havdalah
* Babysitting Available
** From Existing Flame. Candles must be lit before the household accepts Shabbat, read more HERE
- Sat, May 27Dor Tikvah
- Sat, May 27The Gilston Social Hall
- Fri, May 26The Rosenthals' Home
- Thu, May 25The Gilston Chapel
- Thu, May 25The Gilston Social Hall
- Thu, May 25The Gilston Social Hall
This year on Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy)
First Night Shavuot (Thursday, May 25) at 10:15 PM
Peter Rosenthal | Devarim - דברים |
Sammy Rosenberg | Va'etchanan - ואתחנן |
David Page | Eikev - עקב |
The Torah Tours | Re'eh - ראה |
Stuart Feldman | Shoftim - שפטים |
Nathan Kirshstein | Ki Tetze - כי תצא |
Yonah Barger | Ki Tavo - כי תבוא |
Jen Schager | Nitzavim - נצבים |
Shai Margulies (Orayta Delegation) | Vayelech - וילך |
William Weinstein | Ha'azinu - האזינו |
Ezra Cappell | Vezot Habracha - וזאת הברכה |

Eruv Tavshilin is a halachic practice that allows cooking food on Yom Tov for use on Shabbat that immediately follows. This should be done on Erev Shavuot, Thursday 5/25.
1. Take a plate with one whole challah or matzah and either a piece of cooked fish, cooked meat, or a hard-boiled egg
2. Recite the Beracha and recital below (PDF here)

The Eruv foods may not be eaten before Shabbat. It is a good idea to wrap the matzah/challah and cooked item to separate them from other foods.
It is only permissible to cook from a pre-existent flame, i.e. one that was lit before Yom Tov.

We will be joined this year by EIGHT young adults from the Torah Tours and Orayta Delegation programs!

Yizkor will be recited on Shabbat, May 27, the 2nd Day of Shavuot.
Yizkor pledges to Dor Tikvah in memory of your loved ones can be made online HERE
Alternatively, send a check to 1645 Raoul Wallenberg Blvd, Charleston SC, 29407.